
I-CISK Presents its Research Ambitions at the European Geophysical Union General Assembly

I-CISK team members presented the project ambition at the European Geophysical Union General Assembly, which was held at the end of May in Vienna, Austria. At the event, Micha Werner, the I-CISK project coordinator, held a presentation about the project overview and details. Riccardo Biella, a Ph.D. student at Uppsula University conducted a presentation on the approach to the Ph.D. research he will undertake within the project. Both presentations were interactive and generated attendees’ interest with meaningful discussions. The event took place in a hybrid format. It is noteworthy to mention that other I-CISK members also attended the EGU general assembly, discussed the project details, and Participated in different relevant sessions which will no doubt innovate and enrich the research in the project and embed the project within the climate services research community.