The region of Los Pedroches, in northern Andalusia, Spain, has a Mediterranean climate, with hot/dry summers and wet/mild winters (Köppen classification: CSa). Inter-annual variability is high. The region has three dominant landscapes: the dehesa, an agroforestry system where iberian pigs and other cattle range freely; the sierra olive groves; and the forested areas in the Sierra de Cardeña and Montoro and Sierra de Cazorla and Las Viñas Natural Parks.
This Living Lab addresses the role of climatic variables to support rural development of the region, mainly focusing on agriculture, livestock and forestry. These sectors are strongly linked to water availability and vulnerable to periodic drought episodes.
Climate change processes are resulting in a change in precipitation patterns, increased temperatures, and significant seasonal shifts. These changes are affecting local agronomic conditions, water availability and habitat suitability for key species for both flora and fauna.
HERE you can visit the dedicated page in Spanish
The Upper Guadalquivir is forested, with protected areas for biodiversity conservation.
Contact person(s):Lucia de Stefano
Lluís Pesquer