
Visiting an old friend – 52°North at ITC

Several colleagues from 52°North travelled to our Dutch founding member, the ITC of the University of Twente, for a joint symposium. We had not been to the ITC since it moved to a new building. To grasp the dimensions of 

52°North Welcomes Uni Twente Master Students

Spatial Engineering Masters Students visit 52°North 52°North recently opened its doors to a group of 12 international students and two staff from the University of Twente, The Netherlands. The students are involved in a two-year program, in which they learn to 

User-Based Solutions Toward an Integrated and Resilient Future

Julia Kraatz (52°North) How the I-CISK project bridges the gaps between People, Climate, and Disaster Risk Please take a moment to picture these two scenarios. Scenario 1 You are part of the civil protection authority and a pluvial flood (a 

Celebrating Success: Faheed’s Internship at 510

Faheed, an MSc student at the Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente (ITC) in the Netherlands, recently completed an internship at the Netherlands Red Cross’ data and digital team, 510, within the I-CISK project. 

Empowering Climate Resilience: The I-CISK Project Unveiled

I-CISK, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 program as part of the European Green Deal, is dedicated to delivering customized climate services (CS) that are trustworthy, understandable, replicable, and effective. Across seven distinct regions spanning Europe and Africa, the 

Visualizing the Impact of Droughts on Crop Health and Production

by Katharina Demmich 52°North’s contribution to the OGC Disaster Pilot 2023 Climate change is increasing the likelihood of natural disasters and their severe environmental and social consequences worldwide. This is why preparedness for such events is becoming increasingly important. The 

An intense and successful second I-CISK project General Assembly in Madrid

The European project “Innovating Climate Services through Integrating Scientific and Local Knowledge” (I-CISK) held its general assembly on October 5-6 in Madrid, Spain. UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID (UCM), representatives invited project partners to present their progress and to discuss open 

GECOSistema and 52°North meet virtually for a project hackathon

52°North currently works on the first developments of mock-up climate services for different I-CISK Living Labs. Recently, our developers met remotely with the GECO team from Italy to review the architecture designed earlier this year. We discussed necessary adjustments, organized 

Climate Services using Open Data & Open API Standards

From June 26 to June 30, 2023, the second Data Week took place in the historic New City Hall in Leipzig, Germany. The main theme of the conference was urban development and planning. On Monday, presentations and keynotes focused on 

Pioneering Hydro-Climate Insights at the HEPEX 2023 Workshop

From September 13 -15, 2023, the global hydrological community turned its eyes toward Norrköping, Sweden, where the highly anticipated HEPEX workshop “Forecasting across spatial scales and time horizons” took place. The event drew a crowd of more than 100 experts 

Lesotho Living Lab is starting to build the country’s drought response capacity

Marc van den Homberg, Balbina Nyamakura (IHE) and Riccardo Biella (CNDS, UU) carried out a visit to Lesotho where they attended the kick-off meeting of the Lesotho Living Lab and carried out important research. In the Lesotho Living Lab, I-CISK is supporting the Lesotho Red Cross Society and the 510 initiative in their project 

The Comarca de los Pedroches reaches Montreal with the I-CISK project

Nikoletta Ropero from UCM will present her work on the characterization of the hydrology/hydrogeology of the Comarca de los Pedroches at the Adaptation Futures Conference 2023, organized by the United Nations International Adaptation Science Programme and the World Meteorological Organization 

Heat Mapping Campaign in Budapest: Insights from the I-CISK Project

In August 2023, under the framework of the I-CISK project, we embarked on a groundbreaking mission to measure heat emissions across two central districts of Budapest, Hungary: Terézváros and Erzsébetváros. This task was accomplished as part of the Budapest Living 

The I-CISK project participated the EU Knowledge Sharing Event

The I-CISK project coordinators, Dr. Micha Werner and Dr. Ilyas Masih, participated in an EU policy event held online on 28-29 March, 2023. This 1st climate change clustering event was the fifth edition of the EU Knowledge Sharing Event, organised 

Living Lab Rijnland brings stakeholders together and identifies user stories

Since our last update in November 2022, the Rijnland Living Lab, together with Water Authority Rijnland, has made great progress in co-creating a climate service with representatives from agriculture and water recreation sectors.  Earlier stakeholder workshops/meetings were mono-discipline oriented, but 

Taking a decision-timeline exercise targeted to the water sector

On March 14th 2023, an on-line meeting was held with the Hydraulic Works division of the Development Organization of Crete (OAK), in order to work together on a decision time-line exercise which is undertaken in close collaboration with other Work 

I-CISK accepts young researchers in the project

As part of our consortium, I-CISK is happy to welcome a pool of young researchers – Balbina Nyamakura and Nikoletta Ropero Szymañskawho will be intricately linked with several core activities of the project, and will be instrumental in helping the 

UHI survey in the Hungarian Living Lab

Erzsébetváros, BudapestSource: The Hungarian Living Lab was established in the inner city of Budapest, called Erzsébetváros. The district is greatly affected by the summer heat waves and urban heat silands due to the low coverage of green infrastructure and 

Living Lab Rijnland Meets Agriculture

On September 28, in the wake of one of the most severe droughts in the Netherlands, I-CISK team hold a first meeting with Rijnland agricultural stakeholders, supported by Rijnland water-authority. This meeting was organized to get to know each other 

An intense and successful first I-CISK project General Assembly in Münster

The European project “Innovating Climate services through Integrating Scientific and local Knowledge” (I-CISK) recently held its general assembly in Münster. 52°North invited representatives from all partners across Europe to present their progress and to discuss open questions from the first 

I-CISK Accepts Young Researchers in the Project

As part of our consortium, I-CISK is happy to welcome a pool of young researchers (PhDs) – Lotte Muller, Ricardo Biella, and Sumiran Rastogi who will be intricately linked with several core activities of the project and will be instrumental