I-CISK at the European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 2024
The annual general assembly will be held in Vienna from 15-19 April, 2024. This is one of the largest gatherings of scientists from across the field of geosciences. Several members of the I-CISK consortium will be there, presenting results and insights from the project.
EGU24-18756 | Orals | ESSI2.8 – Thu, 18 Apr, 17:50–18:00 (CEST) Room G2
A Preoperational Climate Service Information System: Addressing Technical Challenges and Enhancing User Engagement .
Benedikt Gräler, Johannes Schnell, Katharina Demmich, Yagmur Yildiz, Merel Vogel, Julia Kraatz, Stefano Bagli, and Paolo Mazzoli.
Harnessing decision timelines to improve understanding and integration of local and scientific knowledges across the Climate Services value chain
Sumiran Rastogi, Micha Werner, and Marc van den Homberg
Enhancing Large-Scale Hydro-Climate Services Through a Regionalized Machine Learning Approach
Yiheng Du and Ilias G. Pechlivanidis
Additionally I-CISK is contributing to the convening of the long standing session:
HS4.2 (Co-organized by NH1)
Drought and water scarcity: monitoring, modelling and forecasting to improve drought risk management
Convener: Micha Werner, Co-conveners: Brunella Bonaccorso, Yonca Cavus, Athanasios Loukas, Andrew Schepen