
Drought Resilience +10, WMO, Geneva

Drought Resilience +10 is a major event hosted by the World Meteorological Organisation at their headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, in partnership with several UN agencies, World Bank, European Union, National Governments, Humanitarian agencies and others. The event is held just 

I-CISK Serious Game at Understanding Risk Global Forum

The bi-annual Understanding Risk Global Forum was held in Himeji, Japan, in the week of 16-21 June, 2024. This forum brought together over 1700 attendees working in disaster risk management, with experts from over 135 countries, 700+ organizations representing Government 

I-CISK at the European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 2024

The annual general assembly will be held in Vienna from 15-19 April, 2024. This is one of the largest gatherings of scientists from across the field of geosciences. Several members of the I-CISK consortium will be there, presenting results and